Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Palin as McCain’s VP nominee candidate?

By Y.G.
It is appalling and outrageous how Amy Holmes(a Republican and reporter contributor to CNN), virtually said, or actually praised, Sara Palin as one who exemplifies the great All-American PTA woman and mother. “She kills Caribou, skins them, and eats them for dinner”.

How can a pro-life individual kill other beings for no reason at all other than blood sport be viewed as a joiner much less one that can inspire the world to peace. This is ludicrous.

The fact is that here is a woman who kills for thrills, not for survival of her family.
What kind of judgment does John McCain show-by having video campaign footage of her shooting automatic rifles –this kind of candidate is supposed to change the view of countries around the world that America wants to bring all together and change the image of this country as war makers in the world today. Her behavior does not indicate anything other than that of gratuitous violence for violence and enjoyment. Ironically, at the same time Sara Palin is killing animals for fun, veterans, and those returning from combat have an unprecedentedly high suicide and PTSD rate because they are engaged in a misleading war requiring them to at times kill innocent people.

John McCain’s choice of her is insulting to both men and women in this country, who have fought hard to bring diversity and concern for their fellow Americans. Harmonious co-habitation is not what the Christian right reflects. This country is capable of regressing to its most primitive level (she believes in creationism, no sex education in schools-instead abstinence). This is incompetence-with the HIV and sexually transmitted diseases in this country, that she would think teenagers have the ability to control their impulses demonstrates that she is both out of touch with CDC statistics, and urban youth problems today.

If the diverse peoples of this country (all faiths, etc) believe that she exemplifies the best of women or men leaders, then we are in serious trouble.

Pro-lifers and the Christian right represent intolerance and monotheism-not diversity or tolerance and acceptance of ones neighbors.

Pro-choice on the other hand represents that you have choices, and acknowledges that you have the ability to choose the path you wish.

Regarding reform:

Reform should represent a baseline competency for any individual wanting to be a leader today. It is just due diligence. However, possessing such a quality does not in and of itself mean you are a good leader (much less VP) material.

The Republican Party is inflating her experience and abilities. Alaska is mostly homogenous population, and a small one at that.
She is not the most popular governor in the country. She was rated the highest vote of confidence level within her state. Small N compared to many other states. And she was not voted for by the populace of other states. So this is erroneous being stated.

Regarding the Commander in Chief qualification issue: Foreign policy experience is not enough. It is the judgment and decisions made regarding foreign policy-and we have seen J. McCain’s decisions-which support Bush. So, no good judgment there.

She also is skeptical about global warming- this is a no brainer-and represents the tip of her myopic iceberg mentality-that she is unaware of the devastating ramifications to the peoples of the world-including the U.S. Therefore to me she is dangerous as being so ignorant and dismissive regarding GW.

Finally, women in this country who voted for Hillary Clinton, did so because of her views, and values. Most of the women in this country would not have voted for her just because she is a woman. Those that did vote for her solely because of gender I imagine are a small minority.

Also, on Keeping them honest-Anderson Coopers Show- there was a segment where Obama’s reference to the 5mil income issue-Cooper said that actually John McCain meant it as a joke.

Joke or not, in these times for John McCain to say (even jokingly) such things) demonstrates that he is insensitive, and indifferent, and ridicules the plight of many today. So Obama was right and John McCain is not out of touch however, just plain unsympathetic and hypocritical.

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